Pesquisa em LivreSocial

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

Petrobrás em queda livre no mercado internacional

25/09/2015 - Petrobras cai mais de 30% no ano e valor de mercado recua para R$ 98 bi

12/09/2015 - Sob Dilma, Petrobras já encolheu US$ 200 bilhões

12/11/2015 - No último ano, a cotação da Petrobrás caiu sensivelmente.

08/02/2015 - Is Petrobras Worth A Dime? (Forbes)

20/03/2015 - Ripple Effect of Petrobras Scandal on Brazilian Investment (Forbes)
"Partnering with Petrobras is near essential and somewhat unavoidable if you are to make good on any attempt to tap hydrocarbons in Brazil. So imagine the trepidation of investors confronted with a sight of the company mired in corruption allegations on an industrial scale"

03/11/2015 - Why Petrobras Is a Bad Investment

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