Experts say that the fundamental problem that this highlights is that every stage in Vista's booting process works on blind faith that everything prior to it ran cleanly. The boot kit is therefore able to copy itself into the memory image even before Vista has booted and capture interrupt 13, which operating systems use for read access to sectors of hard drives, among other things.Interessantemente, dois anos depois, o sucessor do Windows Vista, o Windows 7, permanece com os mesmos problemas. Em um evento chamado HITB (Hack In The Box) os pesquisadores Vipin Kumar e Nitin Kumar mostraram aqui como tomar controle de uma máquina virtual Windows 7 enquanto ela ainda está no processo de boot.
It's a design problem," Vipin Kumar said, explaining the software exploits the Windows 7 assumption that the boot process is safe from attack. While VBootkit 2.0 shows how an attacker can take control of a Windows 7 computer, it's not necessarily a serious threat. For the attack to work, an attacker must have physical access to the victim's computer. The attack can not be done remotely.
Não fosse isto completamente péssimo, Nitim afirma que não há o que se possa fazer, pois este é um erro de projeto, onde se assume que durante o processo de boot o SO está seguro contra ataques.
"There's no fix for this. It cannot be fixed. It's a design problem," Vipin Kumar said (..)O VBootKit 2.0 tem apenas 3 Kb de tamanho.